Friday, 8 August 2014

Our Lady Of Manaoag

Our Lady of Manaoag 1.JPG
The ivory bejeweled image enshrined at the main retablo of the shrine.
  • A 17th-century Roman Catholic ivory image  
  •  Brought from Spain via Acapulco in the early 17th century to the Philippines by Padre Juan De San Jacinto.
Documents dating back to 1610 attest that a middle-aged farmer walking home heard a mysterious female voice. He looked around and saw on a cloud-veiled treetop an apparition of The Blessed Virgin Mary, holding a Rosary in her right hand with The Child Jesus on her left arm amidst a heavenly glow. Mary told the farmer where she wanted her church to be built. A chapel was built on the spot where Mary appeared to the man and the town quickly grew around it.

Prayer To Our Lady Of Manaoag

Virgin Mother of God, Queen of the most Holy Rosary,
Thou who hast chosen to raise thy throne of mercy in
Manaoag, to be the beloved protectress and patron
of the Province of Pangasinan,
and therefrom to bestow thy graces on us thy children,
banished in this alley of tears,
look down with Thine eyes of mercy upon me,
who am beset with so many dangers of body and soul.
Despise not my petition O dearest Mother,
but intercede for me before
thy divine Son now and at the hour of my death.

(ask most important favor)
After asking favor, pray
Three (3) Hail Mary's and
Three (3) Glory be to the Father

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