Numquam Cadet
Numquam Cadet
It Will Never Fall
A unicorn is sitting in the crown of a tree which bears the name of Mary. The unicorn stands for Christ who is--like the unicorn--a miracle and mystery of nature, and lets himself be tamed only by a Virgin. The inscription, it will never fall, points to the permanent unity between Christ and his mother. The tree, symbol of Mary, may suggest perseverance and motherly love, more specifically it points out that Mary through her intimacy with Christ and the holiness she derives from him, makes Christ visible and attracts people's attention to him and not to herself.
Read more about the story of Unicorn and Virgin Mary In this link:
The Unicorn...the beautiful white horse with the magical horn that heals.
--Author Unknown--
Shakespeare in Julius CaesarThe unicorn has but one horn in the middle of its forehead. It is the only animal that ventures to attack the elephant; and so sharp is the nail of its foot, that with one blew it can rip the belly of that beast. Hunters can catch the unicorn only by placing a young virgin in its haunts. No sooner does he see the damsel, than he runs towards her, and lies down at her feet, and so suffers himself to be captured by the hunters. The unicorn represents Jesus Christ, who took on Him our nature in the virgin's womb, was betrayed to the Jews, and delivered into the hands of Pontius Pilate. Its one horn signifies the Gospel of Truth.
--Le Bestiaire Divin de Guillaume, Clerc de Normandic--
(Thirteenth Century)
unicorns may be betray’d with trees,
And bears with glasses, elephants with holes...
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