Friday, 22 May 2015

Berthe Petit , Louis Decorsant and devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of mary

Personal Act of Consecration To The Sorrowful Heart
of Mary Composed by Berthe Petit:

     'Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, dwelling pure and holy, cover my soul with your maternal protection so that being ever faithful to the voice of Jesus, it responds to His love and obeys His Divine Will.
     I wish, O, my Mother, to keep unceasingly before me your co-redemption in order to live intimately with your Heart that is totally united to the Heart of your Divine Son.
Fasten me to this Heart by your own virtues and sorrows. Protect me always.  Amen.' 

Berthe Petit (January 23, 1870 – March 26, 1943) was a Franciscan Tertiary known for her devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She had reported visions of Jesus and Mary since an early age, and claimed to experience conversations with Jesus Christ for many years thereafter

Berthe was born Francoise Marie Ghislaine Berthe Petit, in Enghien, Belgium and her father was a lawyer. She was a gifted child from an early age and reportedly had her first vision of theVirgin Mary at age 4. During her youth she reported a vision of the Infant Jesus coming towards her and saying "You will always suffer, but I will be with you.".[4]

She expressed her desire for a religious life on the day of her First Holy Communion. She said to her teacher, a nun, "I must suffer a great deal, I must be like Jesus." "Who told you that?" asked the nun. "The little Host which is Jesus," was Berthe's reply.[5] Following a serious episode of typhoid in 1884, aged 14, she enjoyed poor health for the rest of her life..[6]

On hearing her confession on September 8, 1888, Father Godefroid O.F.M. Cap told her that she would become a "crucified spouse" of Christ, and a victim soul for many sinners. At Christmas Midnight Mass in 1893, Berthe made a vow offering her life and health to God in exchange for the gift of a soul being called to the priesthood, and immediately received a mystical experience in which she believed Jesus accepted her vow, confirmed that she would experience great suffering, and that she would one day know the priest who would be the fruit of her prayers..[7] This priest turned out to be Louis Decorsant, whom she would not meet until 1908.

After becoming a Franciscan Tertiary, taking the religious name 'Mary Magdalene of the Cross', Berthe suffered from many illnesses. At one point doctors had given up all hope for her, but she mysteriously recovered.[8]
The following revelations were made by Our Lord to his spiritual daughter, Berthe Petit:

 "The worst calamities which I had predicted are unleashed. The time is now ripe and I wish mankind to turn to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother. Let this prayer be uttered by every soul: Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.’  Let this prayer dictated by My Love as a supreme succor be approved and indulgenced, no longer partially and for a small portion of My flock, but for the whole universe, so that it may spread as a refreshing and purifying balm of reparation that will appease My anger. This Devotion to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of My Mother will restore faith and hope to broken hearts and to ruined families: it will help to repair the destruction: it will sweeten sorrow. It will be a new strength for My Church, bringing souls, not only to confidence in My Heart, but also to abandonment to the Sorrowful Heart of My Mother."
Cardinal Bourne granted, to all those who will devoutly say: ‘Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us’ an indulgence of 200 days each time.

In October of 1920, Our Lord told Berthe of how exalted His Mother's Sorrowful Immaculate Heart was, saying:

"The title Immaculate belongs to the whole being of My Mother, and not specifically to her Heart . . this title flows from My . . . gift to the Virgin who has given Me birth. However, My Mother has acquired for her Heart the title, Sorrowful by sharing . . . all the sufferings of My Heart and My Body, from the crib to the Cross . . .The title of Sorrowful is most dear of all to Me . . "

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Prayer for Today
O good God, the Holy Spirit, since you do not desire the sinner to be damned, You give all blessings abundantly to him in order to provide him with the Eternal Treasure. Have mercy on the wretched sinners who ignore Your divine help and are not concerned of their own salvation. Give Your graces needed to awaken them who are sleeping in the illusion of this worldly nature. O Strength of the weak! Support Your own children who tend to fall because of their ignorance and weakness due to Adam’s sin. Without Your grace, there is nothing but evil in us. If You do not bend that which is inflexible in us, we shall become hardened in our sins and shall be doomed in our lack of trust. Our foolishness is limited. But You are the One with unlimited blessings. O Ruach ha Khodesh, the God of Blessings! Let that mercy and love that You used in creating us be there in saving us too. If we are tired, You are our Strength. If we are sick, You are our Doctor. If we are profane and sinful, are You not the One Who sanctifies us ? If we have gone astray are You not our Guide? If we are prodigals, are You not the Father of Mercies? Hence, if we happen to go wrong, please seek us and accept us like a good Father. Give us very strong Graces so that we shall not abandon You again. You straightened the path of Augustine who went astray, and softened the hard heart of Paul. O good God, the Holy Spirit, give us the blessing to praise You forever with them (St.Augustine and St.Paul) .
Amen.   7 Glory be

I will keep all my trust in Holy Spirit. I will try my best not to sadden Him.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Prayer for Today
O Holy Spirit, You possess all Goodness! You have the freedom to give virtues to men. I praise Your great justice and love by which You distribute those goods in accordance with each person’s salvation and Your praise. I praise You for the numberless favours You have given me. Give only that which is needed for the salvation of my soul ,for Your praise and for the good of others. At other times, take away all worldly goods from me. Because I was not born for the world; but for You. World is created for my good. Your pure love alone is needed for me. Give worldly favours to those who deserve it. My God, create in me a clean heart that can rejoice in others’ good and can sympathize with others’ faults. Protect me so that neither loss nor ruin should happen to others because of me, deliberately or otherwise. Holy Ruach, You seek with the greatest desire the increase of virtue in souls. Oh Holy Spirit, the source of all virtues, help us that I shall adorn myself with virtues and that we all shall become worthy of Your Blessing by living in mutual love and in the way of holiness.
Amen .    7 Glory be.
Promise/ Salkriya

I will not do or say anything that is not good.

Monday, 27 April 2015

Prayer for Today
O Ruach ha Kodesh, Who is the Spirit of Truth ! I put all my trust in You because You are infallible and You do not want anyone to be in error. I believe with a constant heart every Truth You have revealed through Your ambassador, the Church, and I am determined to die for this faith. I praise You for having given me this gift. Do increase my faith so that it shall be fruitful. O Holy Spirit of blessing, give Your light of faith even to those gentiles who don’t know You nor believe in You. Send the messengers of Truth among them and bless their works. Enlighten the minds of the heretics and those of little faith, and break the hardness of their heart. Look with mercy upon those who ignore the promptings of conscience and those who purposely oppose it. Direct onto the right path those who in their stubborn and self-willed way defy the authorities who are Your representatives and who disobey their commands. Do not put Your curse upon them. We humbly pray that You bless us to come to You, the Good Shepherd, by living carefully, obeying Your Holy Commandments in true faith and good conscience.


I shall not do or say anything against my conscience.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Prayer for Today
O Ruach ha Khodesh, the loving bridegroom of my soul ! I prostrate before You and adore You. I love You. I praise You with alll my heart. However much I thank You, it will not suffice, because so profuse are the  indescribable spiritual goods You have given me. You have heaped blessings upon this ungrateful wretch, who has greatly saddened You by ignoring all these and by not co-operating with You! Still, You did not not abandon me. Good Spirit! I offer myself now,wholly as a sacrifice to You for Your blessing. Make me understand Your Divine Will. Help me to fulfill that. Because I am nothing without You. There is no good in me if You don’t give it to me. O King of all hearts, let everyone come to know You and love You. Incline their ears to hear Your voice, and their mind to do what You want. Turn their feet away from the roads that lead to sin. Let us seek with great zeal You who are the Eternal Good. O Father of all Blessings! Help us to employ with great care and concern  the abundant salvific gifts, which You give us ,thus let us sing  grateful praises to You foreverl in the Kingdom of Eternal Joy.  
Amen   7 Glory be

Promise/ Salkriya

From now on I shall live by abandoning all causes of sin.  

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Prayer for Today
My good God, Ruach ha Kodesh, Your very Nature is to bless and to forgive ! Behold us who take refuge in You and who put all our trust in You like little children. Never take away from us Your Eternal Mercy towards us. Our beginning, endurance, strength, and everything comes through You. Let our ending too be perfected through You. How strong are we when You are our honour! The reason for all our failures is our lack of trust in You. O Father of all blessings! Bestow Your grace upon those who are in sin and in the snares of the devil. Let the blessing that saved Peter be upon them too. Grant them the gift of Hope. Give patient endurance to those who are in grief, and the final constancy to those who are in their last agony. You have promised us through the prophet, “No one who hopes in you will ever be put to shame,” (Ps25:3).So, Holy Spirit, God of Blessings! Today we hope in You forever. Give us the perfect trust in the merits of Christ even at our time of death, instead of trusting in our own merits. Finally, we beg You before heaven and earth to give us Your Perfect Love and to abide by it till the end.
Amen          7 Glory be

Promise / Salkriya

I shall frequently meditate on the Passion of Christ.

Friday, 24 April 2015

O Spirit of Peace, Ruach Ha Kodesh ! Grant that peace even to us, Your servants. You sprouted Your  twelve fruits within the Apostles and illumined them as the light of the world. Please engender the same fruits within us so that we too shall become the light and salt of this earth through our good works and example. Give us that righteous love for our fellow beings, which You said would be the sign of the disciples. Grant us to have peace with You, peace among us, and peace within us , thus implant in our hearts the tree of love which generates all other virtues. Disputes and discords harass us. You Who calmed the storm of the sea! Who cast out the demons! Send forth Your Holy Spirit and banish from us the spirit of restlessness. Bless us , who are the members of Your body of Wisdom, to live in perfect harmony and peace. Help us to conquer ourselves through self sacrifice and by mastering our five senses. Thus, let us live as Your children and messengers of Peace in this world , and then be comforted with You in the Kingdom of Eternal Peace . O Ruach ha Kodesh, the Spirit of Love, give us this blessing.
Amen 7 Gloria.

Promise / Salkriya

What I will not do unto me, I shall not do unto others